Monday, March 31

banana frita (fried plantains)

Banana Frita--one of my favorite childhood snacks
and the first food I clearly remember eating
after my family moved to Brazil
when I was five.

Plantain bananas are not so slimy and sweet
as the smaller variety that is most common here in the U.S.
They are starchier and more substantial.
Fried and generously sprinkled with cinnamon sugar,
they are a treat I enjoy just as much now
as I did when I was small.

To make banana frita you need:
1 ripe plantain*
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil
cinnamon sugar to taste

Peel and slice the plantain.
Heat the oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat.
Add the banana slices to the oil and fry each side until golden.
Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels.
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar to taste.

*if you only have green plantains,
simply slice them more thinly
and replace the cinnamon sugar with salt
for delicious plantain chips.

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